  • Jul 31 Sat 2010 17:28
  • 悲哀





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小豫 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jul 17 Sat 2010 15:55
  • 无题






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你们会否认,我知道,但是我的眼睛很诚实。它所看见的,只是两个相亲相爱得已经容不下别人的好朋友。他们无所不谈,甚至是私密事,但就是不告诉我。每次都要我表态了,要哭了,才说:“好啦好啦~我跟你讲啦~” 最后我变成了逼迫者,好像个讨资料的乞丐。我并没有逼他们做他们不愿意的事,也没有逼他们把所有的秘密都告诉我。我要求的只是那么一点点的自尊,我只是要求他们,不要在我面前作得太明显,如果不打算告诉我的话,那就趁我不在的时候说就好了,这样一来,我的眼睛看不见,心里也就好过一些。

刚才在上课,你们一直在说话,我都尽量假装听不见。但是没有用,我忍不住瞄了你们几眼,就再也看不下去了,心里很痛,你们的每一句话都像利爪,抓得我浑身是血,但是你们都不知道。你不是说友情一点都不珍贵的吗?从前的我不是觉得友情不珍贵,只是觉得友情不重要。开始时因为你们,我觉得友情很可贵,但是也因为你们,我不想再交什么朋友了。我很失望,为什么从小开始,围绕在我身边的朋友都只是把我当成陪衬人?我想起左拉写的《陪衬人》。在故事里,上流小姐出门时都喜欢带着一个相貌丑陋无比的女人。知道那是为了什么吗?就算那小姐相貌平庸,但当她和一个丑女结伴走在路上,人们会不禁多看两眼,然后拿她和那个丑女作比较。结果呢? 因为存在着比较,一个人的丑就提高了另一个人的美。我想我自己也是这样的吧,就算他们不这么觉得,他们还是给了我这样的感觉。对,我顶多就只是个陪衬人,卑微地走在后面,结果呢? 两个人的友好提高了另一个人的寂寞。道理不也是一样吗?

曾经有人对我说:“你们两个好像是在抢她哦~” 当时我一笑置之,但现在回想起来,还是会难过。自己以为不会发生的事还是会发生的,虽然我并没有“抢”她的意思,从开始到现在,从来没这么想过。我这个人不喜欢勉强别人,也不喜欢什么事都抢来抢去的,所以算了吧,他们既然是好朋友,那就用不着抢啊,是我自己受不了,我自己放弃。我不想再当那个介入别人之间的第三者了,我投降了。

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I dunno what the hell was I doing just now...I dunno...walk a really long distance from school to TBR, wait at the roadside for nearly 20 mins for a bus to pass by like an idiot, take the bus to LRT stasion, and go to KLCC for a movie with them...ARGHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~I DUNNO WHAT THE HELL WAS I DOING JUST NOW!!! All of these happened unexpectedly...initially u know...one of the trio-gang idiot was well-known enough for his immoral characteristics, and I had heard many interesting stories about him...It's just like he was borned in this world to be a deity...and i hate him and feel afraid for him since I know Abigail's story...but I had broke-up my rules and go to watch movie with them? Now i flashback the scenes I felt really sick...really really sick...feel like wanna vormit all my meals out...YUCK~!!!!!SO DISGUSTING!!! Actually if not Li quan, I won't go there, I SWEAR WITH MY LIFE. NO. NEVER. But yesterday we have a quarrel and I felt sorry for her today...she even threaten me leh~~~if I didn't accompany her to go with them, she will reckon me to still bothering yesterday's argue, and so I said: "okok...as you like...I will go..." so I go, and that's the most stupid decision that I've ever made!!! Fine...nevermind...but the worse thing hapened at LRT station...they grinning at me just because I turn myself around and dunno where I'm going to go, just as the moment i leaved the escalator...SORRY~~~~THOSE THREE IDIOTSSS NOW LISTEN HERE CAREFULLY: I KNOW WHAT AM I DOING THAT TIME OK...YOU DON"T HAVE TO LAUGH, BECAUSE WHAT I DID AT THAT MOMENT WAS JUST CAUSED BY ONE OF YOU. I THINK I DON'T HAVE TO MENTION YOUR NAME HERE, BUT YOU KNOW YOURSELF, IS THE DEITY THAT WALK IN FRONT OF ME AS I LEAVED THE ESCALATOR. AND BECAUSE OF YOU, BECAUSE I HATE UOU AND BEING AFRAID OF YOU, SO I DON'T WANT TO WALK BEHIND YOU OR IN FRONT OF YOU EITHER, BECAUSE I KNOW I HAVE TO STAY A QUITE SAFE DISTANCE FROM YOU...SINCE YOU'RE FRIGHTENING...AND AT THAT TIME YOU PASS BY ME TO SCAN YOUR TICKET, AND I"M THERE WAITING FOR YOU TO CROSS BY AND TRY HEADING TO ANOTHER DIRECTION TO GET TO THAT TICKET-SCANNER TOO...THEN ONLY YOU WILL SAW THAT SCENE...EVEN IF I REALLY DID THAT, LET'S SAY I'M REALLY STUPID LIKE THAT, WHAT'S THE POINT OF LAUGHING AT ME? I DON'T KNOW 3 OF YOU CAN LAUGH SO EASILY JUST BECAUSE OF SOMETHING THAT ARE NO FUNNY AT ALL...I MEANT...NOT LAUGHABLE AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT 3 OF YOU MUST BE  A GANG OF UNCIVILIZED PALEOLITIK PEOPLE WHO KNOW NOTHING...THAT'S THE ONLY REASONABLE REASON TO EXPLAIN WHY 3 OF YOU LAUGH...YOU DON'T HAVE TO DENY IT...FROM THE WAY YOU LAUGH I KNOW, AND IT DOES SHOW, HOW STUPID 3 OF YOU ARE. AND I HAVE TO EMPHASIZE HERE: THIS WILL BE THE FIRST TIME AND THE LAST TIME I GO OUT WITH YOU...NO NEXT TIME...

AFTER ALL THESE RIGHT...MY FEELINGS CAN ONLY BE EXPRESSED THROUGH "BAD DAY" SUNG BY DANIEL POWTER...BECAUSE THEY'RE REALLY ACT LIKE WHAT IN MY EXPECTATION, AND EVEN WORSE THAN THAT...NO WORDS CAN BE USE TO DESCRIBE ALL THESE, EXCEPT THOSE THREE WORDS FOR THREE OF YOU: I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Be true to urself...that's what i always said to myself and others. But Everyone has their difficulties, even me who holds this principle, is not excluded. So I try to think of a way to be honest to myself. You can do it with no problem, the problem is how to be honest to others. Be true to urself, many people can do that, but how many people can be true to others? Somtimes u're answering 'true' to others, but it may not be the truth. If you answer no way or something like that, people think that you're rude. I meant 'rude', but not 'true'. So how are you going to tell the truth to others without harm? Ok, maybe u're telling what's your idea, what's really on ur mind, but sometimes people didn't appreciate your honesty. Erm...certain people. And that's why misunderstood began. You didn't really meant it, but they found ur words is hard to be accepted, is hurting. But then if you choose to tell lie, u are going to sold urself out, and you will feel a kind of anxiety or uneasy or something like that, Except some people who don't feel that way.

So, some people are kind of struggle in choosing their pavements, either to pretending for the rest of their life or just tell the truth. To me, both are the same, it's just depends on individual's point of view. Tell lie didn't meant that you can get any benefit from that, and so do telling truth. So what for lying? You'll be regret at the last moment in your life, and it would be the last, the ending. You are unable to save anything or make anything change to their original state. All that you do, will not be appreciated. Be realisitic may help you to know the truth better-- you'll lose anything which you know you cannot lose. Reputation, fame, money, as soon as ur secret and lies revealed. Then at that time, are u going to ask for others' forgiveness or sympathy? Or just turn away and live a private life afterwards? You can be responsible for your own life, it depends on your willingness. If you choose to end the journey on pavements of lie, just put a fullstop on ur lie. But if you choose to continue ur life in lie, maybe you think you should put a coma to it, but i think it's not. You should put the symbol '?' to it. Because you should think that, and ask urself is that what you need to live a better life? And how far you can go with lie? This may be a hypothesis, but the conclusion must be the same. Observations are for wiser, and the variables are for doubters.

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Paint my love --Michael Learns To Rock

From my youngest years
Till this moment here
I've never seen
Such a lovely queen

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i should make myself calm down...my god...everytime after watching movie then i'll be like that...and i just can't sit still on the chair! I need a walk in my room, and bring my breathing back to normal. Last time i think is about one month ago, I watched 'Titanic' again...and that's the 4th time I watch it....and oh my, the result is all the same for these 4 times....my tears rolling down and running nose just like a non-stop flowing tap...with great potential energy...and wow...for this time is the another gathering for Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in the movie 'The Revolutionary Road', fortunately I didn't cry...or weeping...just that I felt really uneasy...and the feelings of...i dunno how to describe...but I'm shivering throughout the whole movie, and I felt myself is going to faint...oh my oh my...

actually i dunno how to start...erm...but Leo and kate are just too amazing! Initially I expect the film to be a comedy, but then only I realize that my hypothesis is totally wrong. What a sad movie and sad ending! I expect them to be get along again, but then April died! I dunno whether this is true, becoz there's no obvious sentences saying that she is died...but i guess she may have die...from the look on Leo's face after hearing from a doctor, and from the way he ran all along the street i guess i know what happened edy...i didn't expect the ending to be like this...and i felt myself cold now...

well...there're many argue scenes in this film, and three quarter of them are the argue between Leo and Kate...no no no...actually is between Frank and April...what about arguing with a big man? All i saw is that Frank don't even understand what April thinking of...and...i felt a kind of sympathy for April...the day when she is going to take off her child herself...She said morning to Frank...made breakfast for him...smiling at him while hearing his explanation...help him to tidy up his tie...even though they had a big argue last night...all that happened so accidentally and suddenly...and i guess something is wrong with April...after Frank gone to work, she broke down and cry finally...and that i know what will happen next...she bring two towels and laid them onto the floor of the bathroom...and she shut the door...i wonder if she really make up her mind of taking off her child...but then i saw blood dropping on the floor and...the red stain grew bigger and bigger behind her skirt...and that time...i couldn't speak...i just kept on uttering:"oh my~oh my~"...to my shock...she finally did that...and she is such a brave woman! Throughout this whole movie, I found one of her obvious character, that is, brave...she dare to act according to what she had once said before...she really meant it...in this case, i respect her...i do wish i can be just like her...smile to Frank just like nothing happen...do as what she had once said before...but i'm not...i couldn't be like her...most of the time i'm just like a little mouse...

I felt sorry for Frank, too...ya...he had made mistakes...but not all of them...he is such a big man...and April is such a brave decision-maker...this gives hints to the tragedic ending of this film...april is finally on the road of revolution, but meanwhile, she had paid a great price for it...

I still can't get myself calm down...at least right now...i can feel my heart pumping here and there irregularly, and i guess i will suffer from insomnia tonight...with my brain all stuffed with April and Frank...oh my god...

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"Take Me To Your Heart" --- Michael Learns To Rock

Hiding from the rain and snow
Trying to forget but I won't let go
Looking at a crowded street

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Starry starry night (Vincent)

Starry night


Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and grey

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i wonder why...a friend of u hate u...and u ask him to delete u since he hate u...and after some time...he apologize to u...n add u as friend again...i felt boring and meaningless with this delete-and-add game...very ridiculous and the situation change in the speed so fast that is out of imagination. I still dun know why...

sometimes it's hard to understand how should i survive in this blemished world...n it doesn't seem that u treat others good, then you'll get the same reward...no~absolutely not...depends on the kind of people u met. And so, with the kind of people as kind and gentle as him, and, with the kind of people as evil and pervert like her, i don't think i can stay in peace, until i leave...

and now, the problem came. He add me as his friend again but then i feel hard to press on 'accept'. Quite hard. I dunno what to do at first, when I saw the friend request last night. The result is, I kept staring at the computer screen for nearly 20 minutes but still can't figure out what to do. Finally, I gave up the war of mind struggling and crept into my warm bedding. Only my pillow and Rocorn can give me the kind of consolation i needed.

Well, you know what's mind-struggling? It's almost like a mentally ill, i think, where u can't bear with the situation anymore and u felt urself broken down. That's exactly what I faced last night, and, there're 2 side of me, giving 2 different directions. The angel said:" well, forget all those unhappiness, and you'll find happiness. You do this for peace, it's not only for ur own good, but also others. Accept~Accept~..." While the evil said:" No~dun gave up ur war spirit so easily. Everyone hav to pay for all the things they've done...no exception. Imagine how he treat u before, becoz of her, and ur suffers. You must revenge, for all the things he've done."

But then...Uh-huh~I can't sleep the whole night, and i felt exhausted...My god~~~why you play such a trick on me? I dunno how should i react...cry or smile foolishly, but honestly, both happened simultaneously. And after one night of struggling, i pressed 'accept' finally...but what's on my mind now is that i didn't feel like he's my friend AT ALL...and that troubled me...a people like me...is not the kind of people that can recovered fast, or the kind of people that have harm you before, but then still smiling at you as if she is friendly.

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I felt gald that you showed understanding towards my points.

And, consequently, I feel better now...

But then can't you realise that my smile is just FAKE? and mostly, PRETENDING?

I can't figure it out clearly althought it's profoundly...my feelings...

I smile mainly because I want to make myself happy,

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